#![feature(str_strip)] use sbp::utils::json_to_grids; use sbp::*; use structopt::StructOpt; struct System { fnow: Vec, fnext: Vec, wb: Vec, k: [Vec; 4], grids: Vec, metrics: Vec>, bt: Vec, eb: Vec, time: Float, } impl System { fn new(grids: Vec, bt: Vec) -> Self { let fnow = grids .iter() .map(|g| euler::Field::new(g.ny(), g.nx())) .collect::>(); let fnext = fnow.clone(); let wb = grids .iter() .map(|g| euler::WorkBuffers::new(g.ny(), g.nx())) .collect(); let k = [fnow.clone(), fnow.clone(), fnow.clone(), fnow.clone()]; let metrics = grids.iter().map(|g| g.metrics().unwrap()).collect(); let eb = bt .iter() .zip(&grids) .map(|(bt, grid)| euler::BoundaryStorage::new(bt, grid)) .collect(); Self { fnow, fnext, k, wb, grids, metrics, bt, eb, time: 0.0, } } fn vortex(&mut self, t: Float, vortex_params: euler::VortexParameters) { for (f, g) in self.fnow.iter_mut().zip(&self.grids) { f.vortex(g.x(), g.y(), t, vortex_params); } } fn advance(&mut self, dt: Float, pool: &rayon::ThreadPool) { type MT<'a> = ( &'a mut [euler::WorkBuffers], &'a mut [euler::BoundaryStorage], ); let rhs = move |fut: &mut [euler::Field], prev: &[euler::Field], time: Float, c: &( &[grid::Grid], &[grid::Metrics<_>], &[euler::BoundaryCharacteristics], ), mt: &mut MT| { let (grids, metrics, bt) = c; let (wb, eb) = mt; let bc = euler::extract_boundaries::( prev, *bt, *eb, *grids, time, ); pool.scope(|s| { for ((((fut, prev), bc), wb), metrics) in fut .iter_mut() .zip(prev.iter()) .zip(bc) .zip(wb.iter_mut()) .zip(metrics.iter()) { s.spawn(move |_| euler::RHS_upwind(fut, prev, metrics, &bc, &mut wb.0)); } }); }; let mut k = self .k .iter_mut() .map(|k| k.as_mut_slice()) .collect::>(); sbp::integrate::integrate_multigrid::( rhs, &self.fnow, &mut self.fnext, &mut self.time, dt, &mut k, &(&self.grids, &self.metrics, &self.bt), &mut (&mut self.wb, &mut self.eb), pool, ); std::mem::swap(&mut self.fnow, &mut self.fnext); } } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] struct Options { json: std::path::PathBuf, /// Disable the progressbar #[structopt(long)] no_progressbar: bool, /// Number of simultaneous threads #[structopt(short, long)] jobs: Option>, /// Name of output file #[structopt(default_value = "output.hdf", long, short)] output: std::path::PathBuf, /// Number of outputs to save #[structopt(long, short)] number_of_outputs: Option, /// Print the time to complete, taken in the compute loop #[structopt(long)] timings: bool, /// Print error at the end of the run #[structopt(long)] error: bool, } fn main() { type SBP = operators::Upwind4; let opt = Options::from_args(); let filecontents = std::fs::read_to_string(&opt.json).unwrap(); let json = json::parse(&filecontents).unwrap(); let jgrids = json_to_grids(json["grids"].clone()).unwrap(); let vortexparams = utils::json_to_vortex(json["vortex"].clone()); let mut bt = Vec::with_capacity(jgrids.len()); let determine_bc = |dir: Option<&String>| match dir { Some(dir) => { if dir == "vortex" { euler::BoundaryCharacteristic::Vortex(vortexparams) } else if let Some(grid) = dir.strip_prefix("interpolate:") { euler::BoundaryCharacteristic::Interpolate( jgrids .iter() .position(|other| other.name.as_ref().map_or(false, |name| name == grid)) .unwrap(), ) } else { euler::BoundaryCharacteristic::Grid( jgrids .iter() .position(|other| other.name.as_ref().map_or(false, |name| name == dir)) .unwrap(), ) } } None => euler::BoundaryCharacteristic::This, }; for grid in &jgrids { bt.push(euler::BoundaryCharacteristics { north: determine_bc(grid.dirn.as_ref()), south: determine_bc(grid.dirs.as_ref()), east: determine_bc(grid.dire.as_ref()), west: determine_bc(grid.dirw.as_ref()), }); } let grids = jgrids.into_iter().map(|egrid| egrid.grid).collect(); let integration_time: Float = json["integration_time"].as_number().unwrap().into(); let mut sys = System::::new(grids, bt); sys.vortex(0.0, vortexparams); let max_n = { let max_nx = sys.grids.iter().map(|g| g.nx()).max().unwrap(); let max_ny = sys.grids.iter().map(|g| g.ny()).max().unwrap(); std::cmp::max(max_nx, max_ny) }; let dt = 0.2 / (max_n as Float); let ntime = (integration_time / dt).round() as u64; let pool = { let builder = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new(); if let Some(j) = opt.jobs { if let Some(j) = j { builder.num_threads(j) } else { builder } } else { builder.num_threads(1) } .build() .unwrap() }; let should_output = |itime| { opt.number_of_outputs.map_or(false, |num_out| { if num_out == 0 { false } else { itime % (std::cmp::max(ntime / (num_out - 1), 1)) == 0 } }) }; let output = File::create(&opt.output, sys.grids.as_slice()).unwrap(); let mut output = OutputThread::new(output); let progressbar = progressbar(opt.no_progressbar, ntime); let timer = if opt.timings { Some(std::time::Instant::now()) } else { None }; for itime in 0..ntime { if should_output(itime) { output.add_timestep(itime, &sys.fnow); } progressbar.inc(1); sys.advance(dt, &pool); } progressbar.finish_and_clear(); if let Some(timer) = timer { let duration = timer.elapsed(); println!("Time elapsed: {} seconds", duration.as_secs_f64()); } output.add_timestep(ntime, &sys.fnow); if opt.error { let time = ntime as Float * dt; let mut e = 0.0; for (fmod, grid) in sys.fnow.iter().zip(&sys.grids) { let mut fvort = fmod.clone(); fvort.vortex(grid.x(), grid.y(), time, vortexparams); e += fmod.h2_err::(&fvort); } println!("Total error: {:e}", e); } } fn progressbar(dummy: bool, ntime: u64) -> indicatif::ProgressBar { if dummy { indicatif::ProgressBar::hidden() } else { let progressbar = indicatif::ProgressBar::new(ntime); progressbar.with_style( indicatif::ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template("{wide_bar:.cyan/blue} {pos}/{len} ({eta})"), ) } } struct OutputThread { rx: Option>>, tx: Option)>>, thread: Option>, } impl OutputThread { fn new(file: File) -> Self { // Pingpong back and forth a number of Vec to be used for the // output. The sync_channel applies some backpressure let (tx_thread, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel::>(); let (tx, rx_thread) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel::<(u64, Vec)>(3); let thread = std::thread::Builder::new() .name("multigrid_output".to_owned()) .spawn(move || { let mut times = Vec::::new(); for (ntime, fields) in rx_thread.iter() { if !times.contains(&ntime) { file.add_timestep(ntime, fields.as_slice()).unwrap(); times.push(ntime); } tx_thread.send(fields).unwrap(); } }) .unwrap(); Self { tx: Some(tx), rx: Some(rx), thread: Some(thread), } } fn add_timestep(&mut self, ntime: u64, fields: &[euler::Field]) { match self.rx.as_ref().unwrap().try_recv() { Ok(mut copy_fields) => { for (from, to) in fields.iter().zip(copy_fields.iter_mut()) { to.assign(&from); } self.tx .as_ref() .unwrap() .send((ntime, copy_fields)) .unwrap(); } Err(std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty) => { let fields = fields.to_vec(); self.tx.as_ref().unwrap().send((ntime, fields)).unwrap(); } Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), }; } } impl Drop for OutputThread { fn drop(&mut self) { let tx = self.tx.take(); std::mem::drop(tx); let thread = self.thread.take().unwrap(); thread.join().unwrap(); } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct File(hdf5::File); impl File { fn create>( path: P, grids: &[sbp::grid::Grid], ) -> Result> { let file = hdf5::File::create(path.as_ref())?; let _tds = file .new_dataset::() .resizable(true) .chunk((1,)) .create("t", (0,))?; for (i, grid) in grids.iter().enumerate() { let g = file.create_group(&i.to_string())?; g.link_soft("/t", "t").unwrap(); let add_dim = |name| { g.new_dataset::() .chunk((grid.ny(), grid.nx())) .gzip(9) .create(name, (grid.ny(), grid.nx())) }; let xds = add_dim("x")?; xds.write(grid.x())?; let yds = add_dim("y")?; yds.write(grid.y())?; let add_var = |name| { g.new_dataset::() .gzip(3) .shuffle(true) .chunk((1, grid.ny(), grid.nx())) .resizable_idx(&[true, false, false]) .create(name, (0, grid.ny(), grid.nx())) }; add_var("rho")?; add_var("rhou")?; add_var("rhov")?; add_var("e")?; } Ok(Self(file)) } fn add_timestep( &self, t: u64, fields: &[euler::Field], ) -> Result<(), Box> { let file = &self.0; let tds = file.dataset("t")?; let tpos = tds.size(); tds.resize((tpos + 1,))?; tds.write_slice(&[t], ndarray::s![tpos..tpos + 1])?; for (i, fnow) in fields.iter().enumerate() { let g = file.group(&i.to_string())?; let (tpos, ny, nx) = { let ds = g.dataset("rho")?; let shape = ds.shape(); (shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]) }; let rhods = g.dataset("rho")?; let rhouds = g.dataset("rhou")?; let rhovds = g.dataset("rhov")?; let eds = g.dataset("e")?; let (rho, rhou, rhov, e) = fnow.components(); rhods.resize((tpos + 1, ny, nx))?; rhods.write_slice(rho, ndarray::s![tpos, .., ..])?; rhouds.resize((tpos + 1, ny, nx))?; rhouds.write_slice(rhou, ndarray::s![tpos, .., ..])?; rhovds.resize((tpos + 1, ny, nx))?; rhovds.write_slice(rhov, ndarray::s![tpos, .., ..])?; eds.resize((tpos + 1, ny, nx))?; eds.write_slice(e, ndarray::s![tpos, .., ..])?; } Ok(()) } }